Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I'm usually not into instagram at all, but I realized I take tons of pictures of my nail art that I do. It always just kind of sits on my phone and seems pointless so I've just started to upload all the ones on to an instagram I made ages ago. The pictures will come soon when I have a moment to put them on here. UNTIL THEN: my instagram name is psychopomp :)

Those of you directed here from my instagram, WELCOME. Please be patient with me uploading things as I do have a kob, 6 classes at University, and a lovely boyfriend stationed overseas that all take up quite a bit of my time. :)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Laundromat Experimenting

So today mom and I were experimenting with different home whitening methods and took tens of white shirts to the laundromat after a morning of scrubbing in salt, lemon juice, or baking soda (among many more). It was obvious the "usuals" were making fun of us for putting such small loads into so many washers with little note cards on top.

The end result... none of them worked. Nothing really lessened the stains or made them any whiter. What a bummer. Anywho fun day anyways.

Monday, August 26, 2013


There's something I realized laying here in bed, Archimedes oversees and away at a training while laying here in bed not falling asleep with him on Skype for the first time in a few weeks. I discovered something that filled me with joy.

Home is where we are together. 

I mean this in the sense that, even in different countries, thousands of miles apart, there's such a comfort I find in him. Whether its a skype call or a phone call, talking to him, being with him feels like home. His sarcastic words, silliness, absolute loving and caring for me are the four walls that make me feel so safe. Being physically with him was even more comfortable, but even apart he's my home. 

That's my happy revelation for the night.

Á Bientôt!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Vegas Fun

So for the weekend my family went to Las Vegas for my Nana's 75th birthday. Being only 20, it was a bit of an inconvenience hanging out with people all over 21. Luckly there were a few things I could enjoy, such as the Titanic exhibition in the Luxor and the wonderful Thunder Down Under show we saw for my Nana's surprise present.

The whole weekend was a surprise for her, she knew she was going with my auny and uncle, but had no idea the rest of us would be there. It was wonderful surprising her at dinner the night we arrived and she realized we were all there. She thought it was absolutely wonderful. She then got surprised with the present of one VIP ticket to Thunder Down Under the next night.

The next day, my mom, sister, sister's boyfriend and I went to see the Titanic exhibit in the Luxor. It was absolutely fantastic. It houses "The Big Piece", the largest piece of the Titanic brought to the surface. At the begining of the tour, you're given a passenger card and at the end you learn if they survived. It was cold and beautiful, replica rooms helped you feel what it was truely like upon the grand ship. At the end, we learned that my sister and her boyfriend's passengers didn't survive, but mine and my mother's lived. Mine was the mother of the oldest living Titanic survivor, she was only 9 weeks old at the time. Although saddening, it was a wonderful experience.

After the exibit, we went shopping since I couldn't gamble. I ended up buying a really lovely dress from the Bettie Page store (pictures soon to come) and a cute skirt from H&M that has kitties on it.

The Thunder Down Under story will be in my next post, for now I must continue home. 

Á Bientôt!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Tiffany Nails

You know, I've never really been big into Tiffany...ever... but I think the blue is such a pretty color. Here's my nails I've done with different designs with a matte topcoat. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July

I work a good portion of the day, but I'm really excited to go home and swim and bbq with my family. I was really excited about a month ago when I discovered the flag bowtie, I knew I had to have it and it'd make today so fun. I love at work when people comment on my bowties, its such a fun way to be individual.

Happy Independance Day to all, thank you to all the troops who are so amazing, keeping us safe, especially those working today in the States and overseas. I shall spend my 4th evening after the BBQ with Archimedes on skype even though its already the 5th there <3

Funny French Professor Phrases

Although school is over I realize this has been a draft for a while and I just find them hilarious so here's some more silly things my French professor says:

N'y! The knights of N'y!!

*far too much laughter* Pope Pias VII? Pape Pie? Pie VII??? Pie... like peepee. Little Pie?

"I'm not a very good mime"
"But Pierre! You're French!!!"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy but Sad Times

After coming off the amazing high that is seeing my Airman, he's once again left. His stay was only a week and immediately after he had to leave overseas for a year. He recently arrived and now the game of patience begins once again. Work always makes it easier, something to just take my mind off it for a bit, but this time, I really REALLY miss him. We only had a week together and I just dont think I was quite ready to let him go. It was so weird for both of us sleeping alone and just being apart from each other felt very lonely. I know he'll be back soon and we'll find a nice schedule of seeing each other via Skype in the mean time, It'll just take a while. Until then, love and patience prevail and time passes much faster when we're apart.

Slán go fóill

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Archimedes Visited!

I haven't updated this in a while, mixed between work and the stress of Archimedes visit being delayed over and over AND OVER. We had planned it that he was to come on the 1st of June, but higher up decided it'd be better as an en route leave, so to finish all his out processing stuff took most of the month and when he was finally done, we had a week left. Luckily that week was when my family planned to take a trip to Catalina. It was amazing being off work and being able to see him, I admit I cried. I thought he was going to arrive much later in the night, but he called about 10ish saying "Do you have a weird mailbox?" I was super confused and answered, "I don't think its weird...... waiiiittt how do you know what my mailbox looks like?" and I ran outside to find him sitting against his car. The week in Catalina was amazing and my family really really loved him. We went on so many adventures together and even though it was only a week I really got used to him being around, just doing every day things with him. 

The morning after he arrived, on our way to Catalina

On the ferry over to Catalina 

Having ice cream later that day

Snuggling in bed being lazy was the best

Took a walk down to Lovers Cove and relaxed for a while

He makes me laugh a ton, such a weirdo

Yey! Kisses! 

Flying Fish watching. You'd be surprised how much they run into the sides of the boat

Hike up to Wrigley Memorial

Celebrated my birthday with my family while we were there, my mom got me this cute little hat.

Watching fireworks on the beach

Pretty Fireworks

Another pretty one

And this..... this is why I love this man. He snags my sun hat and  lets me take a picture of him being totally silly.

P.S. There is more to come :) This is just all I had on my phone. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

It Has Been MONTHS....

MONTHS I SAY! Lately, I have to admit... I've been extremely lazy. I between work and school I just don't really want to put forth that EXTRA effort. My room has fallen into what looks like a tornado of clothes and though most of them are clean the problem is I've just been too lazy to hang them up. Part of me wishes I'd just have a week to clean it all up, but I honestly didn't DO anything on the week I had off. It's very irritating to have no motivation to do anything. I've luckily decided, regardless of how lazy I want to be, I will clean my room tomorrow. My room being less messy usually motivates me so much more, and it messy just makes me feel like I have SO much to do and it makes me very stressed and start to feel even lazier.

I think a lot of my problem is the fact that I have a lot of clothes, even though I do wear a vast majority of them. Sometimes I wish it were more simple, Archimedes was telling me today how he was excited that he has a grand total of 7 shirts that are not uniform! SEVEN! Well, we all know who's going to take up most the closet space. He was telling me how his room gets crazy messy too and he doesn't even OWN very much of anything at all. Not sure if he's trying to make me feel better or just expressing mutual laziness. I think I'm at the point in my life where I am just too much of a person to fit into one room. Some people can really downsize what they own, but I'm kinda attached to a lot of things.

I do know one thing. Archimedes is visiting in almost a month... and I am the most ecstatic girl in the world.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy Nails

Over this past break that I haven't blogged, I've had a few nail designs that I haven't gotten around to posting yet. Soo let me catch you all up ^^

These were my couple-weeks-before-Christmas nails

These were my Christmas nails :) Had them at work and they got a bit wrecked :( 

These are the nails I just did tonight. Sort of a circus-y Pre-Valentine's Day nails.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Work and the What-not

I got a job! Yeyyyyyyyy! I work as a Courtesy Clerk (bagger) in a grocery store. Not much, but its actually something I know quite a bit about as my mom has worked for the same grocery store chain for over 30 years. I've been working here for about a month and seemed to have gotten lost in it a bit. I have been meaning to post about it for weeks! There's 2 or 3 unfinished posts having to do with getting a job but I've just been so unable to finish because I get distracted. I've been trying really hard! I promise!

Anywho, work has been great. The pay isn't bad and the people are kind (except of course some unruly customers, but what can you do?). It's weird actually having money all the time now. I'm not used to it, and since my work schedule has been a tad hectic I haven't had time to spend any of it, at all.

Things between Archimedes and I have been great. Always loving and caring, he even got me a Christmas present!

I even got a tablet for Christmas and finally a new phone. I'm all technology'd out over here. 

I hope your holidays were lovely and your New Year brings many new and pleasant things. I know mine will, two months until Arch is back from deployment and then before he heads overseas for a year, a month with me. I'm the happiest I've ever been, even through times that are difficult, I wouldn't change it for the world. 

À Bientôt!