Thursday, September 13, 2012

Un Frappé aux Fruits et Mon Prof de Français

So, this morning I made myself a nice smoothie, sat up in my room enjoying the fact that I didn't have a class until 12:30. I sat the smoothie down and devastation... Smoothie all in my nightstand drawer. What's even worse was a lot of my electronics were RIGHT there. Everything got covered in a thick layer of what now looked very unappetizing so quickly, with the help of my lovely mother, I grabbed a few bathroom towels and started pulling out everything. It's a pretty large drawer, which was now soaked, sitting on various bath towels in my room. This all happened maybe 20 minutes before I had to leave for my French class and though I was able to lightly clean off everything, I had to leave it for over 3 hours to go to my class. What a terrible way to start off a morning.

This brings me to my French class. A little worked up from the smoothie incident, I arrived at class late. My Professor was born and raised in France and moved to the United States when he was 17. He is one of the funniest teachers I've ever had, saying things like:
"It's just hard to shake the 'H' habit." Referring to the fact that the 'H' is silent in French.
"The One Butt, Two Legs theory." When explaining French say Pant (one butt) and in English we say Pants (two legs).
Today, he said "That's not my cup of cake." Thought about it, and realized he had meant tea, but by then we were all laughing already. When we were talking about breads he explained why a croissant is shaped the way it is and why Un Gallette des Rois had a baby Jesus inside, someone then said some point later that they had liked In-N-Out (a hamburger joint). My teacher said "I think its okay, but its not all that great. I know, I'm offending a California institution. First Islam, then Catholicism, now In-N-Out. ~puts on his glasses~ And I'm not done yet. This is like Southpark, everyone will be offended equally!"
They may not mean much to anyone else, but they were absolutely hilarious and cheered up my day.

The cheerfulness was not long lasted though. We've been watching the movie La Haine, we had finally got toward the end today. The whole movie is quite good, about the ghetto just outside of Paris and the lives they lead, the police brutality they had faced. The ending, which I will not tell you because spoilers do not make friends, was VERY shocking. The last line of the movie really stuck with me all day...

"Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good... so far so good... so far so good. How you fall doesn't matter. It's how you land! "

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