Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Starbucks, My New Friend

We have an apartment, but no internet. Currently I'm spending most of my day in Starbucks. Honestly it's kind of fun because it's quite a bit more social than just sitting alone in an apartment by myself. Even if I'm sitting around when people are having conversations next to me it's just as interesting as being in the conversation. Today, I'm particularly enjoying it due to the fact that there's a very lovely lady and two young adults crocheting take-home outfits for babies to take to the hospital. Their stories are great and as much as I'd like to join in I feel like it would be rude. I've been thinking maybe before she or I leave I say something so maybe I can join in next time they have their little crochet meeting. It really makes me miss my friend and I going to her aunts house to crochet and watch episodes of "Once Upon a Time".

Being in a new place kind of sucks when you don't have friends and happen to be the kind of person who has a very hard time talking to people, even if they seem awesome and would like similar things. I'd love to have friends to enjoy things with so that maybe these days while Archimedes is at work for twelve hours at a time. Without internet it's frustrating, but I think even with internet it'd still be quite boring to have no one to spend time with. 

Guy with the rainbow beanie and Pusheen t-shirt with the awesome Aunt (I think) and the lovely redhead that wants to be a Vet sitting in the Starbucks today crocheting take-home outfits to donate to the hospital and speaking of Jolly Rancher cotton candy and horses.... please find me... You people are massively enjoyable to listen to. I just wish I had the courage to talk to you and come crochet with you. 


~À Bientôt

*Update: I talked to them. They are quite awesome. They are making baby outfits for the ones that don't make it and donating them to the hospital. How amazing of them to find something awesome to do with their talents. All of them are quite nice and intrigued into my life. Yey.. getting to talk to people. :) Really, I missed it. 

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