Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Archimedes Visited!

I haven't updated this in a while, mixed between work and the stress of Archimedes visit being delayed over and over AND OVER. We had planned it that he was to come on the 1st of June, but higher up decided it'd be better as an en route leave, so to finish all his out processing stuff took most of the month and when he was finally done, we had a week left. Luckily that week was when my family planned to take a trip to Catalina. It was amazing being off work and being able to see him, I admit I cried. I thought he was going to arrive much later in the night, but he called about 10ish saying "Do you have a weird mailbox?" I was super confused and answered, "I don't think its weird...... waiiiittt how do you know what my mailbox looks like?" and I ran outside to find him sitting against his car. The week in Catalina was amazing and my family really really loved him. We went on so many adventures together and even though it was only a week I really got used to him being around, just doing every day things with him. 

The morning after he arrived, on our way to Catalina

On the ferry over to Catalina 

Having ice cream later that day

Snuggling in bed being lazy was the best

Took a walk down to Lovers Cove and relaxed for a while

He makes me laugh a ton, such a weirdo

Yey! Kisses! 

Flying Fish watching. You'd be surprised how much they run into the sides of the boat

Hike up to Wrigley Memorial

Celebrated my birthday with my family while we were there, my mom got me this cute little hat.

Watching fireworks on the beach

Pretty Fireworks

Another pretty one

And this..... this is why I love this man. He snags my sun hat and  lets me take a picture of him being totally silly.

P.S. There is more to come :) This is just all I had on my phone. 

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