Thursday, October 4, 2012

Insomnia and Job Opportunities

Lately I haven't been able to sleep well... Even when I'm completely exhausted during the day I can't go to sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning. Its difficult to wake up in the morning knowing I've only gotten 3 or 4 hours of sleep. It's getting to one of those points where suddenly even the easiest tasks feel like extremely heavy work loads. Every night I feel like I sleep less and less, the exhaustion is just piling up and I know some time this weekend I'm just going to crash.

In better news, I went to a job fair at my school yesterday. I dressed up all spiffy, hair all done in a simple, yet old-fashioned hair style. There were a lot of places I'm not in the right major program to go for (such as accounting), career like jobs that weren't in my prospective field, but I did find a few. One in particular really struck my fancy, a  blog company looking for a new in-house writer for the office in my town. Pretty much a dream job, getting to browse the internet all day looking for a cool story or a up-and-coming interest that may change internet pop-culture as we know it. Doing pretty much what I do every day, except in an office, getting paid... which would be epic to say the least.

Just need to get my brain in gear and write up some samples!

I'm excited and confident, but still really nervous. Gahh. 

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