Sunday, September 14, 2014

MANICURE MONDAY----Hard Candy Glitter Polish ~ King of Pop ~

I decided to do something new! Manicure Monday!!! I know, a ton of people do them, but its kind of a fun way to structure consistent content and a great way to have something to look forward to. Now, I'm new at this and although I'm actually quite good at Photoshop or any photo-editor I don't actually have access to one right now so I can't produce cute little images or easy-to-pin pictures. I also have to tell you it took practically forever to get these pictures on to my computer because I really have far too many pictures on my phone and my computer tries to import literally all of them.

On to the manicure!

I like to start off my nail routine with Hard as Hoof Nail Strengthening Cream which I got at Walmart. I put a tad on each nail, massage it in and let it soak in for at least an hour. I clean off any residue left before putting on the base coat.
I used to not use anything to strengthen my nails, as I naturally have very durable nails, but since I used to constantly use 100% Acetone to remove my polish multiple times a week they started to become a bit more brittle and split a lot. 

I then use Essie's All in One Base. Mine spilled a bit in transportation so the bottle's a tad messed up.

 I alternated fingers using Sinful Colors' Easy Going and Pure Ice's Scream.

 To top it off I used Hard Candy's King of Pop glitter polish. I'm not the best at keeping neat while I paint so when my nail's are completely dry I wash my hands and most of the polish comes off the skin and you can just pull it or scrub it off. Sometimes If I'm not doing anything or going anywhere I'll wait til much later in the day and scrub it off in the shower. 
*To note, I did not put a top coat on because in my personal experience it becomes practically impossible to remove without soaking. Currently I just have an inexpensive drugstore non-acetone polish remover, so it would really take a while.*
~Update: It took over an hour to remove even without a topcoat~

 This is the finished look I posed on Instagram about a week ago with the edges all cleaned up. If you want to follow me on Instagram @Psychopomp (as you can see).
I also post all my nail art to Twitter @TheRedBuffalo and Tumblr @redpsychopomp

Yeah... I know.. I should probably get them all the same.

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